Friday, November 12, 2010

Nov. 11-Cousins

I have decided cousins are the greatest. I love watching Hayden play with his cousins and watching the relationships they have. I am also thankful for my cousins.

Last night, my cousin, Lisa and her kids Katie and Chad came to visit. Jodi, Jake, Suzi and gang all came over. It was so much fun! Hayden was in heaven. He absolutely loves Chad. I am so thanful for Chad and even though he is 12, that he is so good to Hayden.

I love talking to Lisa. After living with her while I was in college, I got really close to her. It was fun to catch up, chat and just enjoy.

As I watched Hayden with all the kids screaming and running through the house last night, I smiled because these are the special moments that he will look back on enjoy and treasure. It was a good day!

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