Monday, November 8, 2010

Nov 7-Hymns

While sitting in church, I found myself flipping thru the hymn book and singing the different hymns in my head. As I did this, I sat back and recalled what the words said to my heart, where I was in my life when they touched me and the events surrounding some of those tender moments. I do love singing hymns. They are prayers to me of praise for all the Lord has done for me.

When I am struggling, nothing speaks directly to my heart like, "Where Can I Turn For Peace?". The beautifully inspired words speak directly to the depth of my soul. It reminds me where I need to find solace in my life.

Love At Home-brings back so many childhood memories. My mom always sang it when we were fighting.

I Know That My Redeemer Lives-I want to belt out the song with all my heart. It is what I believe, how I feel, and I feel the Spirit so very strong whenever I sing this hymn of praise.

I'll Go Where You Want Me To Go-This song brings it all back in focus. I re-commit to my Savior that I will go/say/do whatever he asks of me. I remember why I am here and where my responsibilities lie.

Count Your Blessings-I used to listen to this song and think I needed to just be grateful. As I opened it yesterday, I realized this is the key to happiness. If we focus on our blessings then we will have joy. I have been blessed with so much. My trials are so insignificant to the many many blessings I have been given. When I truly sit and list my blessings, my heart softens, my gratitude swells, and I am so thankful for my life.

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