Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Toni gets married

One of the greatest blessings of being in a ward a long time is the relationships and friendships. I met Toni and her family back in the 2005 time frame. Hayden was little. To I was in young women's. I became dear friends with her mom. Thomas and I served with her parents, Ladell and Ann Call as Ward missionaries and loved getting to know them and the incredibly strong and righteous people they are. Time moved forward and he became our dear bishop.

I remember walking in to church one Sunday and Toni was sitting by her mom crying. I wondered what was wrong. Previously all my interactions with Toni, I had seen a huge smile on her face. She was valideictorian her senior year and graduated with Ann. She was kind to all, embraced the gospel with all her heart and included everyone. She was a light and joy wherever she went. She was headed great places. 

I came to find out that Toni was dealing with tons of pain and they could not figure out what was wrong. I soon miscarried the twins. Life turned crazy for us as I battled hysterectomy, shingles, pneumonia I couldn't shake and three surgeries. Toni underwent testing and had to drop out of her first year of college. She was almost bedridden at 18 years old. My health continue used to deteriorate. 

When I saw a chiropractor or treatment that helped me in any way, I contacted Ann to tell her to try for Toni. They likewise did the same for me. As I battled, Ann made Toni and I soup and homemade bread and treats.  

After my Ivig treatments and mayo experiments, Toni and Ann took a rotation of sitting with me. And Toni and I began to be friends as we fought these invisible illnesses together. I found myself reaching out to Toni, knowing how scared I was and how much more frightening it must be in my early teens vs my forties. 

Bishop Call helped Thomas and I on many occasions with blessings and advice, unconditional love and reassurance that we were known and loved by our Savior. Thomas leaned on him for support. Ann continued to call and text me and stop by with treats and encouraging messages. She was also there to always help Hayden transition at church from class to class. 

I started become protective of Toni as people questioned me I understood the things she faced more. People couldn't understand me being bedridden so young but Toni.,, just out of high school and she couldn't date or hang out with friends or go to,college or work.  She also felt the sting and hurt of aloneness. 

Life marched froward. Our friendships grew. Our family and theirs and my love for Ann and Toni. I rejoiced in Toni's successes and Ann helping her. Bishop was released and called as Hyaden's young men's president. Ann checked on me. I checked on Toni. 

I watched Toni become a spiritual giant and face life head in with a smile on her face. She worked hard and graduated college. She continued to amaze me. 

Then a couple of months ago at almost 1 am, I received the greatest text. Toni was engaged. I am so happy for her. She deserves all the happiness in the world. She met Justin and he was her Thomas and vowed to care for her. He loves her enough to care for her and help her manage her disease. 

Ultimately Toni and I were diagnosed with different disorders as we fought our way through the. Medical system. But the strength I received from the Call family has been amazing. They have been Angels on our journey. 

So although I was dying and miserable on Toni's wedding, I had to go see this girl that I have grown to love and admire so much. Her positive attitude and light that she is shines so deep. She will always stay close to our Savior. It's who she is. She will continue to be precious to me and our family. 

The Ward has now split and we do not get to see her dear family weekly. But we text and call and visit. They would do anything for me and Thomas and Hayden and we would do anything for their family. They are the truest adpnd dearest of friends. 

I love this picture of Toni. It shows her faith and courage. It signifies that obstacles can be overcome. That life's trials may beat us down but we have the strength to get back up and stand. I love that she will fight for all that is right in our Lord's kingdom. She will stand as a beacon and light to guide others forward. She will always be one of my personal heroes as she fights with dignity and faith and hope and unconditional love. She is a warrior. She is my friend. I love her. And I loved being able to hug her and tell her how truly happy I was for her. 

Get ready Toni! You are setting sail on the greatest adventure. Traveling life with your best friend by your side is truly a gift. Having a husband that honors his priesthood and can give you a blessing, that will fight for you, pray for you, pray for answers, seek guidance in the holy temples, and cherish you is such a great gift. I know. Because I married one incredible man, as well. He makes my journey easier and guides me and strengthens me and loves me every single day. True men of God are gifts. Hold tight. Fight for your marriage just as you have fought to find answers and strength to fight your disease. You are worth fighting for and so is he. I love you and am so happy for you. 

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