Monday, October 15, 2012

Halloween Decor

Hayden took it upon himself to decorate for Halloween since we hadn't. He pulled the decorations down and went to town decorating. He did express that we did not have creepy enough decorations. When I asked him what he wanted he responded with, "something scary that looks more like this.".  Funny boy!
Suzi helped him arrange the decorations but he made sure things were where he thought they should go.
I hear, "Mom, mom, come see what I have done." Luckily I had my camera so I could capture him telling me. Instead of our candy jar holding candy, it was holding a brain and a liver, with a fork and knife poking in it. He then had the black cat leaning over eating the gross body parts.
I love as he tells the story that his smile gets bigger and more animated.
He thinks he is pretty much a crack up at his Halloween creation. Everyone that walks in the house comments that it is gross. With each comment, he is more and more proud of himself. He has certainly enjoying all the "gross" attention that it is bringing to his decor.

Have I mentioned that I LOVE that this boy can find joy in anything? He is happy with friends, by himself, with his parents, watching movies, playing games, decorating, playing video games, playing legos, at school,  at home. He sure is a joy that he looks for the joy in the journey. Love him!

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