Monday, July 22, 2013


Minecraft was definitely the activity of choice if the cousins were not playing on the beach. They would get their electronics and connect to each other's devices and build their own massive world in Minecraft. From the moment Coby arrived until they departed, if the two boys were in the same room, they connected and played, frustrated at times with how bad the WiFi was in the room.
I laughed as the boys would wake up and pull out their devices. They were talking to Treyson and he wanted to connect. The kids told him to go get an Ipad. He said he didn't have one. They told him to go get his I-touch. He said he didn't have one of those either. Hayden very seriously said, "Treyson, go tell your mom you need and 'I-something'. It can be an Ipad, and Itouch, an Ipod or even an Iphone." Treyson replied that his parents didn't have any of those. Hayden disgustedly said, "That is impossible, Treyson. They have to at least have an Iphone. Everyone does. Just go get some electronic device out of your condo." Funny enough, Treyson came back with several different I-devices. Oh these kids. Definitely spoiled with electronics and devices. They do not even realize how blessed and spoiled they are.
The kids made a fort with the air mattress part way through the week and spent the rest of the time in their "fort" playing Minecraft.
We were definitely the boy hangout with the girls joining in now and again. I wish I would have taken a picture when I had 12 in the room, all connected, all playing Minecraft. Kids. They make me laugh.

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