Friday, May 6, 2016


The comfort this brings is beyond words. I cannot count the times that my Savior has gone after me and wrapped me in his loving arms. He lets me cry until I fall asleep and continues to hold me, reassure me that I am his and let me know how much he loves me. 

He has not qualifications. He doesn't require me to do a minimum before receiving his love. I have nothing to do or can do to disqualify myself. I am enough. 

And the love I feel is  beyond words. The comfort I receive just want I need and the love I feel is perfect. I am reminded that I am his precious child. I matter. I am enough. I am loved and cherished. 

I look forward to the day that I can look in his eyes and be wrapped in his love. No walls between us. No veil. No space. No time. And I can just sob and throw myself into his loving and perfect arms.  

I love you, my precious Savior. Thank you for loving me. 

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