Wednesday, May 18, 2016


My siblings are some of my greatest blessings. I treasure moments we re all together. I cherish them. There is something about knowing each other our entire lives. Loving one another since before you could walk or talk. Knowing your past, your path, your  whys and your reasons for doing things. For favorite foods and traditions Nd crazy childhood stories. For shared experiences and laughter and tears. For loving each other for the longest. For laughing at childhood shenanigans and knowing why we celebrate every holiday all the way. With too much food and tons of love and tons of decorations. We love each other's kids and spouses and lives. 

I'm grateful for,the bond of friendship and love. And how when push comes to shove we always have each other's back. 

These siblings and of course Josh and JD are some of ,y dearest and most cherished friends. Oh how I treasure and cherish them 

My sister is my best friend. My dearest supporter and most cherished confidant. She cheers me on and believes in me. She always tells me the truth. She is my cheerleader and the one who tells me to stop it. She loves me. And I am so grateful for that. She loves me with all her heart. She loves Hayden like he is her own. She trusts me. She calls me for advice. She laughs with me and. Cries with me. My successes and failures effect her like they do me. She feels how I feel. And. She believes in me. She loves me. She cares so much about me hat she will do anything for me. Even make a thousand cupcakes to raise money for ,e to get better. I love you with all ,y heart Jodi. Always me forever you will always be one of my greatest blessings and dearest supporters. And I love Jodi's children S if they are my own. She loves me and I love her. Completely. 

Josh is the straightest head. He thinks with his head and comes up with answers. He is reasonable and straight. He loves our Savior. He always tries to do,the right thing. He is level headed and calm in all situations. Then when he laughs, oh how he laughs full hearted with tears streaming down his face. I cherish that about him. That he laughs so hard at his own jokes that he can't even tell them. I'm grateful he loves me. Him stopping by for no reason. I Love that he has the most childhood me,sprites with me. Dressing him up, being clowns, playing tinker toys, forts and gingerbread houses Jd making donuts. I love you, Josh and am grateful for all the memories. 

Jake is my smile and my laughter. He knows how to make me smile when no one else can.  Her says, " Seeeesssttteeerrrr" with all the love in his heart. He calls me his "big seeesstteerr" and I love it. He loves he cherishes me. He makes me laugh. He makes me smile. He can pull me to a good mood faster than almost anyone.  He is happy and love. He is funny. Oh so. Crazy funny. He is love. He has the biggest heart. He thinks with hi heart. He is the first to try to figure out a problem and loves me. I know he us my back. I am forever grateful for his smiles and the way he loves and cherishes his big sister. 

Jd is my gospel giant brother. He has taught seminary and is bishop. He thinks so deep on a gospel level. I love his insights and understandings and thoughts. He is brilliant at the little things. He knows deepLay what the Savior tried to teach us. He is a great dad. As are all three of my brothers. JD Has been the one who seeks knowledge. He has pushed me to learn more and know more. He was my little buddy growing up and followed me around asking why. He prepared me for ,u own som and his questions. And whys and thirst for knowledge. Both love dumb Facts and crazy knowledge. Jd is sound. He is reason. He helps you think through your issues. He is a good brother. One I admire in so many ways. I love JD and his desire to understand our Savior. 

All of ,y siblings are different yet cherished. All have a tender and cherished placed in my heart. I love each of you. I pray you know that. You are loved and cherished and treasured by me. Each one of you has blessed my life in so many significant ways. I'm so grateful for you. I love you. Thanks for making my world a brighter and more beautiful place to live. 

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