Monday, May 23, 2016

Quotes of hope

Love these so very much!!!!
We all have storms! We all have trials! We all have hard times.

We never ever know what someone else is required to walk or endure. So, our job is to be kind, Christlike and love unconditionally. No matter what!

I honestly believe if we could see each other's trials, we would be so much kinder to one another.

I believe that life would be better for all of us. We would realize that all have trials. Very hard things to endure and go through.

I also believe that if we all put our trials into a pile and we saw the truly heavy burdens that every one would carry, that we would chose our own back. Why? Not that our own are easy, but tailor made and challenged to do us the most good. It is what we are comfortable with. It is what we can handle.

Trials will be and are hard. they will take all we have. They will push us to our limits.

I was once told that God gives us nothing we cannot handle. Oh how I disagree. I believe that he gives us more that we can handle every single day. He simply knows that with him, all is doable. Our trials require us to utilize and call on our dear Savior's help. it requires us to be more like Him. It requires us to trust and cling to our Savior. And in doing so, our trials become difficult yet possible. I love this concept.

I promise that my trials are more difficult than I can handle. They are bigger and harder than me. The reason I succeed as well as I do is because of Him. He lifts me and carries me, he strengthens me and teaches me. He gives me aid when I need it. I am His and I matter to Him. So he helps me on my journey and carries me when I call for him. I am so grateful for the love of my Savior.

This is along the same lines. Most the time the Savior does not calm the stormy waters but calms my stormy life and soul. He calms me inside, not outside.I am most grateful when he whispers calm reassurances to my heart. HE calms my soul and allows me to continue down the path created for me. Because he loves me, he calms me, not the storm.

What a beautiful analogy and one I replay often. I am loved. I am cherished. I matter to my Savior. Because he loves me, he will calm me yet let me encounter the rocky and hard waves and trials of life. Because in conquering those storms, I become more Christlike and closer to him. And truly, that is what matters most, both to me and my loving Savior.

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