Thursday, May 5, 2016

Tender mercy in the storm

Some days seem to be headed so wrong. Life doesn't go as planned. Heartache comes. People are hurtful. 

Then, someone walks in the door. She says exactly what you need to hear. What your heart longs for. 

This was my day. After a very rough morning of people judging me on how I handle things and being critical. A kind new friend walked in the door. One I had spoken to. One I had helped get into doctors. She came with dinner and roses. But her words was exactly what my heart needed. We spoke. She thanked me for my kindness. 

Then she said something I longed to hear. She said that she had been prompted to call me for over a week. She had a message for me. As she has prayed. She felt a message was to be delivered to me from our Heavenly Father. He wanted me to know I was loved. That he and my Savior loved me. That I am enough. That even though I have lost so much, that I am cherished and loved dearly by my Savior and Loving Father in Heaven. 

I was then reassured that my troubles were only mortal. In the heavens I would be exhaulted. I was doing the best thing by continuing to endure. I am loved by him. 

My heart calmed. My heart felt peace. My life was ok again. It didn't matter what others think. Because. My loving Father in Heaven and Savior know I am enough. I am loved. 

Nothing else matters. Life is hard. Trials take all we have. People judge. There are things that hurt deeply. 

But then the sun comes out again. My Savior wraps his arms around me. My loving Father in Heaven reassures me of his Love. And my heart is ok again. Because really??? Whatever else matters? When I am back in my loving Savior's arms again, all will be well. 

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