Tuesday, March 19, 2013

He survived... And loved it

Hayden came home Saturday afternoon with a huge grin on his face and stories to tell.

*rock climbing
*falling down a cliff
*sleeping in his tent by himself
*playing capture the flag
*service project - cleaning up trash
*Israelite brown shirt
*new friends
*more self confidence
*fireside around the campfire
*spirit during campfire
*help putting up his tent
*pancakes for breakfast
*great leaders
*laughing and playing
*being absolutely filthy dirty

Hayden has smiled big while talking about his camp out. He loved the freedom and opportunity that scouts provided. His self confidence grew. He learned he could conquer fears and do hard things.

I was so very proud of him.

So many leaders commented on how great Hayden was, how much he was always smiling, his great attitude, his willingness to try hard, and the great attributes he has including: kindness, great attitude, helpful and caring.

Whew! I am so happy that it went well. I am so grateful for incredible leaders that sacrifice their time and talents for my son. I'm so happy that Hayden had his Father in Heaven's help to conquer his fears and have a great time.

I breathed a huge sigh of relief when he was home and safely back in my arms. But, I am so happy he loved scouting and he will look forward to upcoming outings and enjoy the time with his friends at scouts. It couldn't have turned out any better.

Now, I just need to learn to let go a little more. He really is growing up.

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