Sunday, March 24, 2013

Life of Pi

Suzi had wanted me to watch this movie with her for so long. Since it came out, I have been down, in bed. We were very excited to get to see it on Saturday. Suzi brought dinner over and we rented the movie. We all curled up on the couches and watched this amazing movie.

I loved the lessons it taught. I loved the images it brought to mind. I loved how the movie showed a belief in God. That God loves us and listens to us and answers our prayers.

I saw myself so many times in that movie.

I love the scene of Pi having been on the island, having found reprieve, but knowing that wasn't where he was meant to stay or what he was meant to become. With what must have taken unbelievable faith and self control, Pi willingly set out in the boat again to face the fierce winds and turbulence of the ocean. He knew the trials awaiting him back out on that ocean, but he willingly went because he knew that is what he needed to do.

I thought of my life. Where I am. The path of hailing winds and the unrelentless amount of turbulence that I must face. I had tears in my eyes as Pi pushed his boat back out off the shore. I know that feeling. I always say that facing something once is doable. The outcome and difficulty of the situation, unknown. As it comes p, it is dealt with and conquered. When repeating or reliving the same trial, the pain, horror, fear, it all is known. The hardest thing survived must be repeated. Steps must be taken knowing the grimness of the situation to be conquered.

I myself feel as if I just climbed back on my own boat. That I just pushed back of the safe shore of peace and comfort and am heading back into the rocky waves and turbulence of the storm.

What I do know, like Pi learned, is that The Lord would strengthen him, give him experiences to keep him strong. That God stands by his children in their trials. Things may seem desolate and at the brink of despair, but God has promised that all these experiences will be for us good. That he will not leave us comfortless.

As I have started back on the open waters, The Lord is securely on the boat next to me. He is guiding me through these open waters. And like Pi, and his trial of the tiger kept him alive. I am acutely aware that the pain, although sometimes excruciating, is the thing that keeps my alive and fighting. The pain awakes me when my breathing becomes shallow. Where if the pain was taken, I may circum to endless slumber and quietly go in my sleep. Because of the pain, I awake and continue my fight to breathe through the pain.

Now, I in no way am I comparing the trials I face with those deep trials that Pi faced. Yet, as I face my trials, like Pi, God will guide me, comfort me and help me. I have walked this trial long enough to know that it is in the hardest moments of life that we walk the closest with our Savior and those moments have been the tenderest of my life.

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