Monday, March 25, 2013

Monday morning

I have a hard time each and every Monday morning saying goodbye to these two and sending them off to work and school. I love our weekends together. I especially have a hard time letting Hayden go back to school after a long break. Oh how I missed him today.

I was so happy when Jodi called and asked if I wanted to get out of the house and ride to QT. the silence in my house was deafening. I welcomed the reprieve from the quiet of being alone. Better yet, I kidnapped Talmage and we had a movie morning. I loved hearing him play cars at my fee and having him come cuddle up next to me. What a blessing this little guy is in my life.

Donnie came over to chat for a little bit, too, since she knows how hard mornings after breaks are for me. I sure enjoyed the company. I love talking to her about life and figuring out what the Savior wants of our lives, lessons taught and experiences shared. She is such a great friend.

Jodi came back with lunch and we sat and talked. I miss her when I don't see her too often. I miss our chats. I miss sitting and just being with her. I relax. I feel like I contribute back to this world in some small way. Most days it is just two sisters talking and leaning on one another for advice and to listen. I love that she trusts me. I love the incredible person she is. I love watching her become better and more amazing with each passing week and month. One of the greatest blessings in my life is her constant and I changing friendship.

Time passed quickly from when Jodi leaving until I hear my favorite words of the day, "Moooommmmm!" "Mom, where are you?" As Hayden bounds into the house looking for me. For the next twenty minutes or so, I do a lot of nodding and smiling and listening. I love the days when he talks and will share with me. I light up with joy when he lets me into his world.

Today, he was especially excited. His third quarter IEP goal status was in his hand. Wow has my Bubba improved this year. He has tackled hard things and has tasted the sweet reward of hard work. He has mastered nine out of the ten IEP goals set for this year. More than even that, I was so proud of the comments that were written. "Hayden is a joy....he works hard....he tries......he pays attention.....he gives his all....he is enthusiastic about his work....he is kind and positive....he is overall an amazing kid". I know this but it sure is great to hear. Hayden was so so so proud of himself and the skill sets he has mastered. I told him I was happy for the end result but proud of the progress and hard work he put in to achieving his goals.

Homework was done, cheese crisps were made for dinner. Hayden stuck like me to glue. I knew he missed me, as I did him. It was an ordinary day. That was the best part about it. I love ordinary days. For in the ordinary and simple is where true joy and peace are found.

1 comment:

Jodi Davis said...

I feel so humbled and filled with love and gratitude as I read these words. I love the time we have together talking and hanging with you. It brings me much strength. Thank you for your kind words. And just so you know, you always make a difference and contribute (even from the couch, maybe even more so). You are very loved!