Wednesday, March 27, 2013

IEP goals achieved

Hayden came bounding in the door, envelope in hand, a huge smile stretched across his face, and enthusiastically lunged at me for me to read the letter addressed, to the parents of Hayden Murphy.

As I asked what the letter contained, he kept saying just read it. As I opened the letter, Hayden beamed with excitement, anxiously telling me what part of it said, quicker than I could read aloud the IEP progress report.

"Hayden has far exceeded all expectations....he is a hard worker.....he gives his all......he does his best to stay on task.......he is polite.......he is kind and caring....he gives his best effort.....he smiles.....he is always happy.....,he sees the positive.....he is such a joy!"

Imagine my astonishment when the actual achievement of the goals themselves, and the effort to accomplish them, far exceeded the glowing personality review in the first paragraph.

Goal after goal was outlined. Laid out clearly as to the expectation, current ability as of August 2012, November 2012, followed by the current progress calculated at the beginning of March. Each goal listed as "Hayden will be able to transition topic, using three transition words, within a three minute conversation, unprompted, four times out of five. Current ability zero out of five. March ability five out of five. 100% accomplished."

Goal after goal, Hayden's outstanding progress was listed. As I read each one, I probably would have broken down in tears out of joy, but Hayden's jumping up and down and huge smile just brought overwhelming joy and gratitude to my heart.

There are definitely areas to work on but I am absolutely in awe at the extreme progress he has made this year. He has given his all. He has tried and tried. I couldn't be more proud. I only ask for his best efforts. I love seeing him gain confidence in himself, tasting the sweet joy of success and learning that he can do hard things.

(He was so excited with his accomplishments and the effort and hard work paying off that he totally forgot about the "reward". What a great place we are at that he no longer needs rewards. He has tasted the sweet joy of accomplishing a goal.)

1 comment:

Jodi Davis said...

Way to go, Hayden! I am so proud of you for your hard work. YOU CAN DO HARD THINGS!!!