Thursday, December 15, 2011

Family Night

This has become our latest family nights.... they don't just occur on Mondays either. At least three nights a week or more, you can find our family doing just this.... Making chocolate chip cookies, playing Monopoly or Life and then watching a movie. We love it. Hayden thinks this is the best!
Hayden is getting pretty good and can hold his own in games. It is fun that we are able to play so many different games as a family. I love the memories this is creating and the laughing and great conversations we have while playing games. I love that we have chosen to do this instead of watching TV during the week. We sure are having a lot of fun!
Hayden hurries to finish his homework so that right after dinner we can play a game before reading, baths and bedtime. Even if we can only get in a short game, we try to play a couple of times a week and then get in a few different games over the weekend.
Hayden also loves trying to take a picture of all three of us. Oh the things that make him happy! We may have a small family but we definitely have tons of fun! Most importantly, we love playing together and spending time together.

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