Saturday, December 21, 2013

Amanda Booth gang

I love Christmas.

 Love the joy it brings. 

I love the goodness it brings out in people. 

I found out about a family with a bunch of kids, some their own, some they inherited by family and a bunch if little kids that would not be having Christmas. It. Broke. My. Heart. 

Yet, we had no extras. We were relying on the Savior to meet our needs. Yet, that nagging and continual little prompting was there that I needed to do something. 

I tried getting a couple of items on garage sale sites for cheap. Hoping my few dollars, combined with people's charity would help. Amazing things occurred. People donated. I coordinated. Others spent the money and did the work. It was fun. 

I have come to realize that when asked what children want and anything is what is told, they will just be grateful for a toy. 

A couple of phone calls later and this was brought over. Crazy to me. I only had a couple of new things on hand that didn't work for what I had planned months and months ago. Those things, bought almost a year ago were exactly what was needed to fill in. 

Thomas and Julie took all these goodies to a family. They were able to have a Merry Christmas. Because of so many people's kindness and charity and love. 

I am grateful for friends that put up with me telling them needs. Tat they understand that not helping kills me. But financially this is not my season to financially help. It is my season to simply love.  

I wish I could have seen the families' faces when Santa came. But my heart felt it. I had served in my own way. And that was enough this year.

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