Friday, December 20, 2013

The joy of selling

For the past six months, or longer, I have been selling all kinds of items on Facebook groups. I have sold everything from clothes to antiques to diapers to table and beds. I have sold anything and everything that we no longer need or can get by without.

And thanks to all of the generous donations, we still have more to sell. 

I'm grateful to my Savior. Seven months ago, I prayed and prayed for something. Somehow to bring in money. We didn't have money but we had things. So I began selling any excess we had. We have been spoiled throughout the years and were lucky with a plethora of things to sell. 

As I watch the numbers, they do not add up. We have been blessed t have the Savior as our accountant. He has taken the money and made it to be enough. Each month when I have no idea how it is going to work, the Savior steps in. His ways make it. He provides for our needs. He turns it into enough. 

I promised the Savior if he would help me, that I would do what I could to help him. I have learned that helping him really means to help others. "As ye have done it until the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me."  

As I have had the privilege of talking to a wide variety of people. I have been blessed to see the Lord's hand. Not only does it help us by receiving the money. I see how The Lord helps those struggling to get what they need at a discount. 

Even more than that, I have watched him bring the downtrodden, broken hearted, aching souls, and those searching for hope and peace to my door. I've seen the Savior bring me together with those I now call friends. He has helped me to love and teach and serve those who need him. 

I've been able to bear testimony that He lives. That He loves us. That He meets out needs in unique and a variety of ways. I testify of Him. 

And although selling is a hard way to make survival enough. I'm so grateful for the path he has provided. One dollar here. Another there. Scoring occasionally with $5, $10 and the occasional $50 item really adds up. Because it isn't my math or the world's math but the Savior's math. He can make one plus one equal four. He can make fifty and ten equal a couple hundred. I've seen his math. I've been blessed with his ways. I've seen his miracles come in all forms. I've been the recipient of so much goodness. 

I love my Savior. I am learning to trust in him in ALL I do. With my health, with financial obligations, with knowing which people to say what to, trusting when to share an experience that He will bring the Holy Ghost and trusting the he will guide me. 

Selling has been an experience. Hard. But one I am so so so grateful for. For I have been able to witness the hand of my Savior in a way I have never before. My love has grown deeper and my appreciation stronger. I stand in awe of him, every single day. 

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