Friday, December 13, 2013

Inspired to call in

December 12th, Hayden's birthday, Grandpa Simonton took Hayden out of school and treated him to the Science Center, lunch, dinner and great gifts. Hayden was beyond ecstatic to get a Grandpa day. He loves his Grandpa and cherishes time with him. So an entire day of one on one time was at the top of his list.

Thomas had wanted to take the day off but I kept telling him to pick a different day when he and Hayden could go do something. 

Thomas kept feeling like he needed to be home. And although I pushed him to go, he took the day off. 

I love when he is home and Thomas was busy getting things done on our new home. 

I went to lay down in our bedroom. All of a sudden, pain overtook me, I doubled in a ball and felt a blood clot move from my lungs to my head. Instantaneously a massive headache hit, I lost my vision and the pain was excruciating. Fear overtook my entire body and soul. 

I barely could scream for Thomas. As he ran in the room, all I could barely mutter was "blessing" before I lost consciousness. 

Thomas immediately laid his hands on my head and gave me a priesthood blessing, calling down the powers of heaven, to heal me. 

The words spoken were sacred and spiritual and a true gift. I knew without a doubt that the words came from my Savior as they were things that Thomas would not have known. It was so medical. With medical terminology. The Lord commanded that the stroke, the blood clot that broke loose and hit my brain, would not cause any additional permanent damage. That I was protected by the Savior. He again spared my life. 

As Thomas' hands came off my head, the pain began to ease. I could again take a breath without struggling. Although exhausted from the experience, I was alive and ok, because the Savior again spared my life. 

After I slept, I pondered the entire situation and experience. I thought of what the outcome may have been if Thomas would not have been there. What if he had not followed the prompting he received that he needed to take the day off of work? What of he wouldn't have been here? What if he didn't have the priesthood power to call down the healing powers or heaven? What if I didn't know what I know? 

I dropped to my knees. I said a prayer of gratitude and thanks. 

I am thankful for a husband that honors his priesthood so he can use its power for our benefit. I'm thankful for the knowledge of the plan of salvation and where this life fits in. I'm so grateful for my Savior. That he knows me and loves me. I'm grateful he grants me my true hearts desire to continue living with my family here on this earth. 

I love my Savior. I love that he inspires my husband and that my husband always follows that inspiration. Because of that, I am still here to live with my family. A blessing that I am grateful for beyond words. 

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