Friday, December 20, 2013

Cell phone

What does getting stuck at young men's, and having to start to walk home do to a mom???? I panicked.

There is no more helpless feeling in the world than not being able to take care of your children. I cannot drive. I cannot pick up my son at scheduled times. I cannot assure he is safe. I am completely reliant on others to do for my son, what I cannot. 

Within a little over a week, he was stuck at school, left at church and attempted walking home to our new house and got lost. 

That was the last straw. If I had to give up my cell phone, so be it. I wasn't going to be in a situation again where I didn't know where my an was, if he was safe, and not be able to talk to and comfort him. 

So Thomas and I gave up our unlimited data plans and added Hayden on with limited usage. 

It brings so much peace and security. For me. 

I'm so grateful for all those that have sacrificed for us. Who have given rides. Who have shuttled me and my by. Who have done so much. 

But, being able to talk to my son. Know he is safe. Know he is ok. Know where he is at. Know his whereabouts and to be able to talk to him is so comforting to me. 

So, my 12 year old has a phone. It came with rules and limitations and contracts and only parts able for use. It is his to use, when we need him to, so we can get a hold of him and he get a hold of us. 

So far, so good. 

He is a good boy. Responsible. Understands the power for good and power for problems. He understands the rules and limitations are for his protection and our love for him, not a lack of trust. 

So, the world of cell phones, and monitoring and limiting use has begun. 

I am so grateful for my son. He is such a great boy. I'm so lucky he is mine. 

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